WE Keep Gutting Our Own Military! And Here We Go Again
A Marine Corps lieutenant cleared of murder charges for riddling two Iraqis with bullets and hanging a warning sign on their corpses says he now plans to ask for a discharge. Second Lt. Ilario Pantano said Thursday his fight against the charges was tiring and heartbreaking. The former Wall Street trader had returned to the Marines after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. "This is the best thing for my family, and I think it is the best thing for the Marine Corps, too," he said. Pantano, 33, did not deny shooting the men or hanging the sign that said, "No better friend, no worse enemy," a Marine slogan. But Pantano said he shot them in self-defense after the men disobeyed his instructions and made a menacing move toward him. Last week, Maj. Gen. Richard Huck, commander of the 2nd Marine Division based at Camp Lejeune, dropped the charges against Pantano. His action had been recommended by a Marine officer who presided over the military equivalent of a grand jury hearing. 
2nd Lt. Ilario Pantano in Fallujah last year.
If we keep running our Brave Volunteer Defenders out of the Military for doing thier job, Sooner or later we will have to go after people who do NOT want to protect our country to fill those positions or start studying the koran.
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