Marines Run Devil Pups Through Boot Camp
The Marines of 6th Communication Battalion gave Navy Junior Recruit Officer Training Corps(NJROTC) cadets a look at life as a recruit during the this year's Mid-Hudson NJROTC Area Four Basic Leadership Training (BLT) recently. More than 200 high school cadets attended the week-long mini-boot camp, which was held at the U.S. Military Academy's Camp Natural Bridge. Marines of 6th Comm. Bn volunteered as acting drill instructors for the program and coordinated with the North Rockland High School NJROTC Unit to bring the annual program to life. According to NJROTC representatives, the goal of the program is to enhance the cadets' introduction to the military within a controlled stress environment. Under the direction of the Marines, the cadets experienced intense physical training, drill, martial arts, and uniform maintenance, among other training. "The 6th Comm. Bn Marines and cadets put forth outstanding effort, and this was reflected in the accomplishments of the NJROTC cadets and Marines. The cadets gained an understanding of active duty life," said Staff Sgt. Jeffery E. Fisher, who was the staff non-commissioned officer in charge of the program. According to Fisher, the program's benefit was two-fold, because as the cadets learned from the Marines, the Marines exercised their skills as leaders. 

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