Marine Corps Jobs

Intelligence conducts the collection, processing, and dissemination of intelligence information. They use a variety of electronic and manual means to collect information. Specialties include: Analysis, Counterintelligence, Imagery interpretation, Geographic intelligence and Interrogator/ translator.
Infantry train in the core competencies of gunnery, combat operations, and battlefield awareness. They make up the primary scout, assault, and close combat forces of the Marine Corps. These Marines serve in a variety of specialties relating to specific duties and equipment. Some of the equipment include the Light Armored Vehicle, heavy machine guns, mortars, anti-tank missiles, and small arms. Specialities include: Rifleman, Machine gunner, Assaultman, Mortarman, Reconnaissance man, Security forces (including presidential security) and LAV crewman.
Logistics is the science of planning and carrying out the maintenance of forces. It includes the storage and distribution of material, maintenance of facilities and movement of personnel. Logistics Occupational Specialties include: Maintenance Management Specialist, Logistics/ Embarkation Specialist, Air Delivery Specialist and Landing Support Specialist.
Marine Air Ground Task Force Plans manages the planning and execution of the deployment of forces. This field plans, executes, validates, employs, mobilizes, sustains and redeploys forces.
Command and Control Systems includes the design, installation, interconnection and operation of communications networks and information systems. The hardware and software used by Marines in this field includes telephone, radio, switching, cryptographic and computer systems. Occupational Specialties include: Field Wireman, Construction Wireman, Circuit Switch Operator, Field Radio Operator, Mobile Multi-Channel Equipment Operator, High Frequency Communications Center Operator, Satellite Communications Terminal Operator, Defense Message System Specialist and Data Network Specialist.
Field Artillery is made of three main functional areas: the firing battery, field operations, and observation/liaison. Duties include maintaining, moving, and employing artillery weapons systems, operating, moving, and protecting equipment, and coordinating the firing of artillery and naval gunfire with maneuver forces. Occupational Specialties include: Artillery Cannoneer, Radar Operator, Meteorological Man, Artillery Operations Man and Fire Support Man.
Utilities includes Marines who maintain, install and operate water supply, sewage, electrical, plumbing, refrigeration, hygiene, air conditioning and heating systems, as well as repair fabric. A basic utilities Marine will be assigned one of the following specialties: Electrician, Electrical equipment repair, Refrigeration mechanic and Fabric repair specialist.
Engineer, Construction, Facilities and Equipment is comprised of Marines who perform metal-working, welding, operation and maintenance of heavy equipment, construction, emplacing, and removing obstacles. Specialities within this field include: Metalworker, Engineer equipment mechanic, Small craft (boat) mechanic, Engineer equipment operator, Engineer assistant and combat engineer.
Tank and Assault Amphibious Vehicle operates, employs, maneuvers and maintains tracked armored vehicles in amphibious assaults and operations ashore. Skills learned included gunnery, maintenance and driving skills. Specialties include: Tank Crewman and Amphibious Vehicle Crewman.
Ordnance assures the Marine Corps that serviceable ordnance materials are available. This includes the inspection, repair,and maintenance of most weapons systems. Specialties include: Small Arms Repairer/technician, Towed Artillery Systems Technician, Assault Amphibious Vehicle Repairer/technician, Main Battle Tank Repairer/technician and Light Armored Vehicle Repairer/technician, Machinist and Electro-optical Ordnance Repairer.
Ammunition and Explosive Ordnance Disposal manages and conducts the handling, transportation and storage of ammunition, explosives and missiles. They also determine the suitability of ordnance for use, repair and destroy ordnance, conduct ordnance technical intelligence and dynamic explosive entry. The one entrylevel Specialty is Ammunition Technician.
Motor Transport operates and maintains tactical and commercial motor vehicle services. Specialties include: Organizational and Intermediate Automotive Mechanic, Fuel and Electrical Systems Mechanic, Motor Vehicle Operator and Logistics Vehicle Systems Operator.
Signals Intelligence/ Ground Electronic Warfare Operator operates intelligence collection and communications equipment, conducting collection, analysis, production and dissemination of data. Specialties include: Special Communications Signals Collection Operator/Analyst, Special Intelligence System Administrator/ Communicator and Cryptologic Linguists.
Ground Electronics Maintenance includes the diagnosis, repair, adjustment, and calibration of electronic equipment. Specialties include: Electronic Switching Equipment Technician, AN/TRC-170 (multi-channel communications equipment) repairer, Ground Communications Organizational Repairer, Ground Radio Intermediate Repairer, Telephone System/Personal Computer Repairer, AN/TSC120 (Radio) Technician, Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment Technician, 2M/ATE (circuit card) Technician Ground Radar Repairer, Artillery Electronic Systems Repairer and Artillery Electronics Technician.
Supply Administration and Operations is responsible to warehouse, preserve, package, handle, purchase, contract and account for supplies and equipment. Specialties include: Supply Administration and Operations Clerk, Warehouse Clerk and Packaging Specialist. Food Service handles food, supplies and equipment, menu and recipe planning, meal preparation and serving, sanitation, and operation and management of garrison and field food services.
Financial Management encompasses budgeting, auditing and finance. Specialties include: Finance Technician and Fiscal/Budget Technician.
Data Systems include computer systems analysis, software design, and computer equipment operation. Primary specialty: Small Computer Systems Specialist Programmer.
Legal Services is comprised of Legal Services Specialists. They provide services in operational, managerial and clerical areas necessary for the proper functioning of a Legal Services Support Section, Law Center, or Office of a Staff Judge Advocate.
Visual Information includes graphic arts, photography, videography, video editing, training devices and visual library loan services. Specialties include: Combat Illustrator, Combat Lithographer, Combat Photographer and Combat Videographer.
Music field provides music to support ceremonies, official functions, community relations and troop esprit de corps. A secondary mission is to augment headquarters defense in combat environments. Applicants for these programs will have an audition and must be able to play and read music. Musician Specialties include: Oboe/English Horn, Bassoon, Clarinet, Flute/Piccolo, Saxophone, Baritone Horn/Euphonium, French, Horn, Trombone, Tuba/ Sousaphone, String Bass/Electric bass, Percussion, Piano and Guitar.
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense includes the detection, identification, warning, reporting and decontamination of nuclear, biological and chemical decontamination on the battlefield. The Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense Specialist is the only occupational specialty.
Military Police and Corrections provide law enforcement services, including dog handling, physical security, emergency response, investigations, and prisoner supervision. Specialties include Military Policeman, Working Dog Handler and Correctional Specialist.
Electronics Maintenance maintains, operates and repairs organic communication and electronic equipment in the Marine Aircraft Wings. Specialties include: Avenger System (Anti- Air), Maintainer, Aviation Radio Repairer, Aviation Radar Repairer, Air Traffic Control Navigational Aids Technician, Air Traffic Control Radar Technician, Air Traffic Control Communications Technician, Tactical Data Systems Equipment Repairer and Tactical Air Operations Module Repairer.
Public Affairs gathers, prepares, publishes and disseminates news and feature materials about the Marine Corps. Specialties include: Combat Correspondent and Broadcast Journalist.
Aircraft Maintenance provides direct and indirect support of airframes, powerplants and all aircraft weapons systems. Specialties include: individual material readiness, list asset manager, aircraft maintenance administration specialist, flight equipment technician, aircraft hydraulic/pneumatic mechanic, aircraft maintenance support electronic equipment mechanic Aircraft Maintenance Support Equipment Electrician/Refrigeration Mechanic, Cryogenics Equipment Operator, Aircraft Structure Mechanic, Helicopter/ Tiltrotor Mechanic, Powerplants Mechanic, Helicopter/ Tiltrotor Dynamic Components Mechanic, Airframes Mechanic, Crew Chief, Enlisted Aircrew/ Aerial Observer/ Gunner Fixed Wing Mechanic, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Mechanic, Fixed Wing Aircraft Flight Engineer, Fixed Wing Transport Aircraft Specialist and Crew Chief Aircraft Safety Equipment Mechanic.
Avionics performs direct and indirect support of all aviation weapons systems. Specialties include: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Avionics Technician, Aircraft Electrical Systems Technician, Aircraft Electronic Counter-Measures Technician, Aircraft Navigation Systems Technician, Aircraft Cryptographic Systems Technician, Aircraft Communications System Technician, Aircraft Weapons System Technician and Aircraft Radar Technician, Consolidated Automated Support System Technician (radar, infrared, test equipment), Aircraft Meteorological Equipment technician, Aviation Precision Measurement Equipment Calibration and Repair Technician and Aviation Logistics Tactical Information System Technician.
Meteorological and Oceanographic Services is unique in that it is the only earth science-related field in the Marine Corps. Marines in this field provide meteorological, oceanographic and space environmental observation and analysis. The only entry-level specialty is METOC Observer.
Aviation Ordnance Marines handle aviation ammunition issues including safety, procurement, storage, delivery, loading and downloading. Aviation Ordnance Systems Technician is the primary Military Occupational Specialty for this field.
Aviation Logistics includes the areas of aviation supply and information systems. Specialties include: Aviation Supply Specialists, Automated Information Specialist Computer Operators.
Airfield Services includes rescue firefighting, equipment recovery operations, and aviation operation duties. Military Occupational Specialties include: Expeditionary Airfield Systems Technician, Aviation Operation Specialists Airfield Firefighting and Rescue Specialists.
Air Control, Air Support, Anti-Air Warfare and Air Traffic Control manages the operation of air command and control functions associated with the Marine Aircraft Wing. Occupational Specialties include: Low Altitude Air Defense Gunner, Air Control Electronics Operator, Tactical Air Defense Controller, Air Support Systems Operator, Air Traffic Controller and Radar Approach Controller.
Navigation and Enlisted Flight Crew plan and execute tactical inflight refueling and assault support operations, perform navigational duties, and operate loading and unloading equipment in aircraft. Specialties include: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operator, Airborne Radio Operator/ Refueling Observer/Loadmaster, Aerial Navigator.
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